
Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Solution to Blackberry white screen.

If your blackberry had the white screen of death whenever you want to:

use the camera, 
browse rich content media or 
when making a phone call. 

The problem seems to be relieved when you put the charger on your phone. if this looks familiar to you and suffered this problem, the solution is simple. people think its software problem and wipe or upgrade the OS.

let me break it to you. its the BATTERY. Notice charging the phone eases the problem. so get a new battery for your phone, an original one. that did it for me.
To test this, use a friend's battery on your phone and see it for your self.


Solve Windows 8 Black Screen Once For All.

Lots of users have experienced the  windows 8 black screen after restarting their computers. All they see is a black screen and the cursor. The cause of this problem could be the use of  unoriginal copy of windows and/or usually happens after windows 8 operating system has been updated. whatever the problem is, its really irritating cause the black screen appears again and again after restarting multiple times. But luckily, we have the solution for you. follow these easy steps and you will overcome this problem once and for all.

Solving this problem requires two phases.

phase 1: This is the immediate solution required to get to the normal desktop. if your computer is on black screen. PRESS and HOLD the power button for about 5 to 8 seconds. then turn on you computer, this will bring you to normal desktop, with out the black screen.

phase 2: This is to avoid future black screens. it seemed if the computer is turned off normally, the black screen will be back. but now we will use another easy method to turn off your computer. create a text document by right-clicking on  a blank area of your desktop, then click new>Text document. once you got the notepad file open, write the following line in it exactly without the quotation "shutdown.exe /s /t 0". save the file and change the extension of the file from .txt to .cmd . Now, whenever you need to turn off your computer, just open the file and the computer will turnoff. your computer will start off normally without the black screen. The image below might help.

Cheers and enjoy the sheer brilliance of Windows 8.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Change Adobe Reader background color and text color [THEME].

Do you read a lot using adobe reader and you disliked the white background light going straight into your eyes?
Well there is a way to change the background and font color to suit your reading desire. You can read thousands of pages while caring for your eyes. Follow the steps below

·       Open Edit menu
·       Click preferences
·       In the category tabs, Choose accessibility
·       The top, you will see, Document and color options, click custom color.
·       Choose background color and text color of your choice.
     also see  the image below

thank you for reading. share this post on twitter and Facebook and like and comment.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

3 Google Search Tricks - very usefull

with Google Search bar, you can use many tricks in Google, but here are three useful tricks that might help you.

1. Perform quick Calculations in the Search Bar by just typing in your numbers.
   you could also do heavy calculations 

2.Check the Weather . just type the word "weather" followed by your city's name.
  see the image below.

3. Quick dictionary. type the word "definition"  followed by the word you searching for.

That was three quick tricks that you can use on google to make your life easier. Thank You.

              comment below.

Best free cloud storage

what'up guys, GurhanPro is back

Today i wanna discuss with you about the next big thing in the IT industry- Cloud Computing.
cloud computing enables you to use services over the internet rather than services on your PC. its just like an online programs that u can use them on your computer without installing them, e.g an online hard drive where you can store your data and retrieve it any time. there are a lots services out there, what i like most is the cloud storage service called STaas (Storage as a service).just like any good business, there are free options.but if you want to pay because you want to to store  large amounts of files, then go to - . they offer unlimited storage space and you pay $4.95 monthly, and you can try it out 14 days, they are the best so far.
If you decided not pay like me, there are plenty of options. unlce Dotcom is back in town and he is offering a 50 GB free online storage at . MediaFire is also offering a 50 GB free storage. DropBox now gives you 25GB free storage.  Symform offers 10 GB. Microsoft SkyDrive and MiMedia both offer 7 GBs. we now have a 149 gigabytes of free cloud storage and you could get even more. There are lots of companies offering a 5 GB free storage including Google.

or wait!, why don't you just open 10 accounts or more on mega and MediaFire, then you have unlimited storage space. remember the number of free accounts you can open is unlimited. thank you and your feedback is appreciated. comment below.